We deserve this

The Meen Experience Centre concept generated by Lexica

Who’s “we”?

Every time there’s a vintage car rally anywhere in the world, people can’t get enough.

“Look at that green!”

“Look at that chrome shining in the sunlight!”

“Look at the way the body curves!”

We’ve all said that and more when looking at vintage cars. For those who grew up around these, the sense of nostalgia is higher. The more powerful cars back in the day had distinct style; unique engine configurations with unique tone, door designs from gull doors to suicide doors, retractable spoilers, folding headlights, and the glint of the sun gleaming off of the surface of brightly coloured metallic paint.

Image from Unsplash

Of course, we still have a lot of this now. The designs have changed over the decades: we’ve gotten more streamlined to be efficient, more sharp and fluidic with our designs to reflect the evolving sense of class. It’s the dawn of the future for automobiles, right?

Not entirely.

People still fawn over vintage designs and retro-themed styles. You see this in pretty much everything. Motorcycles, kitchenware, furniture, architecture … and the ones who bought the very first iPhones know that Apple has moved their current iPhone and Macbook designs to be more box-y, just like their original lineup from back in the day.

But, does that mean that these products compromise on quality? Are they the exact same objects from back in the day? Are those old-looking buildings going to fall in the harshest of rain?

No, to all questions.

That’s because people have recognised that while retro-themed exterior beauty is still admired, we can integrate the modernness of technology and analysis with vintage designs. Royal Enfield isn’t shipping their Bullet 500 models with the same engine manufactured in the 70s. It was made in the last 12 months and probably designed and optimised to match modern standards in the last couple of years - and they will do this periodically. But, their vehicular design is reminiscent of the good ol’ days. It’s a perfect blend.

That’s exactly what we’re doing. We’re actively studying vintage cars from around the world with data collected over decades to understand what made these cars tick. Was it the design? Was it the performance? Was it the driving comfort? Was it the cost? Was it incredible market timing? Was it a combination of these or something else entirely?

Retro-themed controls to toggle modern features

At Meen Motors, we do this every day. We’re actively in conversation with people from the industry from around the world; we’re consulting people who have worked for the greatest automobile companies and know first-hand what it takes to create beauty. They didn’t care about regulations, approvals, and optimisation first; the focus was on designing something breathtaking. How often do you turn your heads at cars that go by on the road? If you ever did it, that car is what you call breathtaking.

Our goal is just that: to embrace the legacy of automobiles and design cars that reflect on what our past had witnessed; all of this while integrating it with the latest and greatest from the modern world: cutting edge electric drivetrain, custom vehicular operating system, sensors to automate your driving experience, and the usage of industry-standard software to ensure passenger safety and structural integrity - to list a few from a never-ending list.

All of this while making your car look breathtaking. You might ask, “sounds great, but, do we need this?”

To which we say, “we deserve this.”


Our car has an app store!